Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Chillin'

Sunday, that one day a week that I just chill out...

I stop worrying about work, appointments, eating healthy, exercise, bills, the disgusting and only slightly less disgusting. All of the bs will still be here tomorrow, no?

So, come away with me, if so inclined.

A nature walk always clears my mind, camera in tow, of course. In fact, I'll be starting a photography blog really soon, where I will be sure to invite you all to come and chill with me when the mood arises, but until then, I'll share some here.

The following is a small collection of nature photographs, all taken in North Carolina (this past summer for the most part), for several projects that working on, really rocked.

I'm off to eat my weight in tacos then grab the camera and head out to see what's buzzing (if I can still move).

Enjoy the day!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a relaxing Sunday. :)

The red flower (sans bugs) looks like a Georgia O'Keefe inspired type of photo.

I had a taco salad for lunch...hmmm...great minds.

Uber said...

O'Keefe's flowers..sooo pretty, thanks!

And, hang on to your creep-o-meter, but I actually opted for the taco SALAD too.

Wow, I have chills. haha

Now, about that attempting to move thing..bleck...

Stew Magoo said...

mmmmmmm taco goodness...

Great shots. What camera do you use? I've been trying to convince Jen to go digital for years. From what I've seen the digital slr is way way better than silver based.

Sorry for proposing marriage to you in the previous post. That photo of your posterior just fried my remaining synapses. The male one's anyway.

Regardless I believe there's a clause in the Episcopalian charter that allows for multiple blog-wives... Besides, don't you think it's a good idea to have a blog husband if you're going to have blog cirrens?

I'm just looking out for your reputation here (yeah, keep telling yourself that heehee)!

Happy Sunday!

Buckaroo Banzai said...

Tacos. Is there anything they can't do?

Captain Tightpants said...

Great pictures and thanks for the linky-love miss!

Sounds like your Sunday was more relaxing than mine, but we did both enjoy a nice Mexican-themed meal...

Anonymous said...

Too late--it's Monday!

Like the pictures even tho' I'm not overly fond of bugs that can do damage!

Insolublog said...

Dragonflies are among my favorite insects. Besides their hypnotizing biological flight gear, they are remarkable mosquito predators.

Uber said...

S'ok Stew, just messin' with ya! ;)

I'm using the EOS Digital Rebel XTi. You can find a Canon/Nikon comparison review here on the blog somewhere (I think the title was "Friday Romance" haha). Love that camera! Some say it's just not the same, taking a shortcut or even kinda cheating, but really, it does still require practice and skill, and just makes time for even more awesome lowers the cost (which rocks whether it's just a hobby or something more). For example, I've taken some 4 thousand photos this past summer alone. I'm all about some speed!

Thanks for defending my honor there. heh

Earpy- For some of us it's tacos and for others it's explosives...(and for still others, the tacos result in explosives haha)..but I know what you're sayin' all the same. *g*

Thanks for visiting, Sean, look forward to visiting ya more often!

Lin- 33 minutes until Tuesday and I can forget Monday ever happened, thank God! And photographing "dangerous" bugs, like bees, is kinda like the Kindergarten of wildlife photography (flowers and stuff being preschool). I'll brag some when I'm out there climbing trees and tracking tiger (the one behind bars at the zoo that opened one eye and gave me the "wtf?" look when I blew up it's nose doesn't really count). ha!Maybe I should just stick to bugs...

Hiya Insolu! Dragonflies rock in my book too.

Have you ever studied one up close and personal? They make this noise, I just can't describe. Distracting when so close to one, to say the least. Especially when they turn the head to study me too, and make that creepy little noise. I've missed several good shots being creeped out by that, though they're so tiny and I feel pretty silly later on.

Now I know, they're just sharpening those mad mosquito massacre skillz...

Insolublog said...

They are most voracious (and unattractive) in their water borne larval nymph stage. They kill most of their mosquito prey before they have transformed into bloodsuckers. And the reward, is the colorful spectacle you and I both enjoy.